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Work of the People

Who celebrates liturgy? Everyone, all of us, each person in the assembly! 
It is the gathered assembly, united with Christ the High Priest, who celebrates the liturgy. Through our baptism each of us is called to gather with our celebrating community to give God thanks and praise. We are all celebrants.

What is role of the priest? 

The priest is our leader of prayer. He is ordained through the sacrament of Holy Orders to preside over our prayer, but he is also a member of our community and so prays with us. He is known as the presider, or the main celebrant.

The Role of the Assembly

As a member of the gathered assembly each of us has a role to play. We are called to take part with our whole mind, body and soul. We are called to full, conscious, and active participation. 
We arrive on time, prepared to praise and honour and give thanks to God. Aware that we are part of the body of Christ and not isolated individuals, we show hospitality to one another and are present to each other throughout the liturgy. We sing the songs with vigour, we listen attentively to the proclamation of the Word and the priest’s homily, we observe the moments of prayerful silence, and we pray the prayers and responses of the liturgy with conviction. We perform the ritual gestures like the sign of the cross and the sign of peace, with care. During the Eucharistic prayer we unite ourselves to the words and actions of the priest. We join in the communion procession and song and receive communion reverently. We do not leave until we are dismissed and our recessional song is completed. Then we remain if possible to visit with other members of the community. We go forth, spiritually recharged to live our lives as followers of Christ.

The Role of Ministers

Liturgy is made up of several elements: gathering, remembering, sharing a meal, going forth. Each of these elements requires the service of individuals, in addition to the full participation of the whole assembly, to help make them happen. Certain members of the community share their gifts by serving in specific ministries. They do so for the sake of the community and to give glory to God. 
Each of us is called to contribute to our common prayer. We respond to that call by truly celebrating the mass as part of the assembly. We respond as well by discerning our gifts and offering to serve as a liturgical minister.

What are the general qualities of ministers?

First and foremost they are humble servants. They put their gifts at the disposal of others for the sake of the community and for the glory of God. They take their responsibility seriously. They know when they are scheduled and they arrive early on that day, or they find themselves a reliable replacement. 
They learn how to perform their ministry, either by attending a training session or by careful study of their written instruction. They are open to positive feedback about how they perform their task, and they adapt easily when instructions change. They are eager to learn more about their ministry and willing to take part in ongoing training. They are careful in their ministry never to attract undue attention to themselves. All liturgical ministers understand their role as members of the gathered assembly. They are models of good participation and communicate an attitude of prayer throughout the liturgy.

Ministry of Serving Communion

Ministers of communion love the eucharist. They know they are helping to distribute the most precious gift of all, the body and blood of Christ. 

Questions for each of us: 
Do I love the eucharist? 
Do I appreciate the way communion is served? 
Am I willing to put aside my own shyness to serve my community?

Ministry of Proclamation of the Word
(sometimes referred to as Readers or Lectors)

Proclaimers of the Word are competent readers who love the Word of God and make it come alive in the liturgy. They know that the assembly come to the Eucharist to hear sacred scripture and to be inspired by it. They are aware that they must proclaim effectively if God’s Word is to be heard and if people are to understand the homily. Above all they know it is God himself who speaks when they proclaim.


Questions for each of us: 
Do I love the Word of God? 
Do I feel elated when it is well proclaimed, and disappointed when the Word is poorly proclaimed? 
Am I comfortable reading in public? 
Do I have a good voice and can I read smoothly and with expression? 
Would I be willing to spend at least an hour in preparation each time I proclaim?

Ministry of Altar Server

Altar servers assist in the liturgical action. They take part in the entrance procession and reverence the altar prayerfully. At times they carry objects in procession and at times they assist in the sprinkling rite or the use of incense. They walk slowly and with dignity. Altar servers honour the symbols of liturgy and carry them with care.  They contribute to the smooth flow of the liturgy by performing their tasks efficiently, unobtrusively, and with graceful movement. They participate fully with the rest of the assembly during the liturgy, responding with the assembly in word, song, and prayer.

Questions for each of us: 
Do I appreciate the efficient assistance that altar servers provide? 
Do I have a special reverence for what takes place at the altar? 
Am I comfortable in my body and do I move with dignity?

The Ministry of Music

Ministers of music are competent singers and musicians. They unite us with music and song and lead us into the mystery being celebrated. Their music provides us with a dimension of prayer that goes beyond mere speech. It elevates our hearts so that we can truly worship God. 

Questions for each of us: 
Do I love liturgy and the music that enlivens it? 
Do I have a recognized musical talent?

Sound System

Soundboard operators participate in the celebration by their technical support in audio and video systems. Their main task is to assist in the assemblies participation using the audio system, hearing impaired transmitter, video camera and projection. 
If you are interested in this ministry please contact Gabriel Resendes at:

Ministry of Preparation

Ministers of preparation are people who love liturgy and are concerned about how it unfolds. They are willing to serve from behind the scenes and may do so in  different ways. 

People in this ministry are creative and have a special concern about the look and feel of liturgy. In collaboration with the pastor, they make certain the worship space serves the needs of the assembly adequately. 

Questions for each of us: 
Do I feel our liturgical space serves our prayer well or do I see possibilities for improvement?
Do I have ideas about enhancing the space for the liturgical seasons? 
Am I willing to learn more about liturgy and its environment?


Other ministers of preparation are mass coordinators, those who coordinate each Lord’s Day celebration or the weekday masses. They prepare all that is needed for the celebration of the eucharist. They perform their tasks before the assembly is gathered. They clean up after liturgy, properly purifying and washing communion vessels. They attend to all the details, leaving the priest more energy to preside and preach. 

Questions for each of us: 
Do I have a special concern for the prayer of my community? 
Do I like ritual and symbolic action? 
Do I appreciate liturgy that goes smoothly? 
Am I bothered when it doesn’t? 
Am I interested in learning more about liturgy? 

If you are interested in this ministry please contact the parish office at:

Ministry to the Sick/Shut-Ins

Eucharistic ministers in our parish bring communion and the prayers of the parish community to those who are not able to join our parish family for Sunday worship.


Ministers of hospitality really like people. As greeters and ushers they know that good liturgy thrives in a climate of hospitality, and so they try to set that tone for every liturgy. They begin the work of gathering the assembly, predisposing the people to good worship by the warmth of their welcome. They are the first face of Christ people encounter when they enter the church. 
Ministers of hospitality smile and greet people as soon as they walk in the door. They offer assistance when needed. They usher people directly to seats when the church is getting full. The ministers are on the look-out for strangers and ensure they are especially welcomed. Greeters remain at the door until all latecomers have been seated.

Questions for each of us: 
Do I appreciate a warm welcome at church? 
Do I enjoy meeting people? 
Do I think our hospitality could be improved? 
Am I willing to come early and stay late for the sake of my community?


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