A Gift of Listed Securities
A gift of listed securities—including shares, bonds, mutual funds, bills, warrants and futures—listed on approved stock exchanges is one of the smartest ways to support your parish, (the Archdiocese can process such a gift to your parish). When you make this type of gift, you may benefit in two ways:
By receiving a tax receipt for the full amount of the value of the security when transferred to the charity;
Not paying any capital gains tax on the securities when they are donated directly to a charity.

​To donate securities to the Christ the King Parish, please fill the Securities Donation Form and follow the instructions to submit it. If you have any questions, please address them to the Parish office: office@ctkp.ca or 204-257-3300.
The following in an example for illustration purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional advice. We strongly encourage you to seek professional legal, estate planning or financial advice, as required in your personal situation, before deciding on your course of action.
Cash Gift Gift of Securities
Current market value (160 shares at $125) $20,000 $20,000
Original purchase cost of securities (160 shares at $50) ‒ $8,000
Capital gain (value at time of donation less cost of original purchase) ‒ $12,000
Donation amount $20,000 $20,000
Capital gain tax saving1 1(varies depending on your province - $2,760
of residence and your income), 23% in Manitoba for an
income under $200,000
Charitable donation tax credit (varies according to taxable income $10,000 $10,000
and province of residence), calculated at an assumed rate of 50%
Net cost of the $20,000 gift $10,000 $7,240
Please note that securities must be donated directly to the registered charity for the capital gains to be waived.
Download the: Securities Donation Form