Development and Peace is the official international development organization of the Catholic Church in Canada and the Canadian member of Caritas Internationalis. Inspired by Gospel values, particularly “the preferential option for the poor,” the goals of Development and Peace are to support initiatives by people in the Global South to take control of their lives and to educate Canadians about North-South issues. Our education, advocacy and fund-raising work here at home is carried out by Development and Peace members from coast to coast.
During the past 42 years, Development and Peace has provided $531 million to finance 15,200 projects in 70 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Middle East; $130 million of this amount has been allocated in emergency aid.
Typical projects involve issues such as peace-building, human rights, agrarian reform, education, community development and economic justice.
In fiscal year 2007-2008, Development and Peace financed 234 programs and projects. Of these, 43 involved emergency aid for natural disasters (e.g. floods and earthquakes) or man-made problems (e.g. wars and civil disturbances). The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) helps to finance the work of Development and Peace. The audited financial statements are available on request.
As mentioned above, Development and Peace is a member of Caritas Internationalis, andCIDSE, two world-wide networks of Catholic organizations for international development and emergency aid. The headquarters of Development and Peace is located at 1425, René-Lévesque bld. West, 3rd Floor, Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1T7. It is here that requests for financing are reviewed. The organization also has an office in Toronto and regional representatives across Canada.
The telephone number of the Toronto office is 416 922-1592 or
1 800 494-1401 (toll free).
The telephone number of the Montréal office is 514 257-8711 or
1 888 234-8533 (toll free).
The toll-free number at both locations for emergency aid donations is
1 888 664-3387.
The organization’s charitable registration number is 11882 9902 RR0001.
10 St. Mary Street, Suite#420
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M4Y 1P9
Phone: 416 922-1592
Fax: 416 922-0957
Toll Free: 1 800 494-1401
Web Site:
1425, René-Lévesque bld. West, 3rd Floor
Montréal, Québec
Canada, H3G 1T7
Phone: 514 257-8711
Fax: 514 257-8497
Toll Free: 1 888 234-8533
Web Site:
You may also contact our regional representatives.
Development and Peace is the official international development organization
of the Catholic Church in Canada and the Canadian member of Caritas Internationalis.