An invitation is extended to all women to purchase a membership in the Catholic Women’s League of Canada. By doing so you will be:
supporting the efforts of League members across Canada who are diligently working to promote the teachings of the Catholic church.
part of the largest national organization of Catholic women in Canada with a tradition of service to others as expressed in its motto "For God and Canada."
The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is an organization that contributes to the life and vitality of the church, family and community, both at home and abroad. While your presence at meetings is important, we realize that in this busy world it may not always be possible for you to attend. Be assured that your interest and support is as important as your attendance!
Included in your membership is The Canadian League magazine (published three times per year) which will keep you informed of League business and projects and in contact with other members across Canada.
Want to know more about the League? Please contact national@cwl.ca or see the National Office page for information about national office staff.
Membership Information
Brief History
Organizational Structure
Our Lady of Good Counsel
League Prayer